#FridayFeyDay – Official Landing Pages for Dark Fey


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I am so Excited! I simply had to share the news.  My publisher (Creativia Publications) just made my Dark Fey Official Landing pages available on their newly revised website. Now, instead of just a flat cover photo, there is Cool background artwork, actual book photos (nifty I know, right!), and expanded, Behind The Scenes descriptions for each book.

Here are the infamous links:  The Reviled  and  Standing In Shadows  

If you feel inclined, stop by and have a look around.  Feedback is appreciated 😉 and Sharing (via the webpage social media links) is more appreciated than I can say.

Thank you for sharing my excitement!

Happy Friday Fey Day!
OH and by the way, did I happen to mention that I will no longer be doing FridayFantasy? Nope, I’ve decided there’s no better day to share the wealth of information I have about Dark Fey, Fey in general, fairytales, etc.  So if nothing else, Welcome to the brand new Friday Theme on Booknvolume 🙂




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