Speechless…Yes Me!


Less than 2 years ago I sat down at my laptop, looked up FREE blogging platforms on Google and discovered WordPress. That very same night I launched Booknvolume.com with little or not comprehension of what a blog was/is, what blogging is all about, or what I might share on said blog. As my very first post will testify (http://wp.me/p3C4k1-5) (go ahead, re-read it, I’ll wait….) I really hadn’t a clue about this whole blogging thing. As I perused the WordPress Reader for the first time, visiting other blogs and following those I found to my tastes, I noticed a blog (which shall remain nameless) that boasted over 2000 followers. What an accomplishment, I thought. How does one achieve such an incredible number? Would my humble little, nondescript blog ever glimmer so brightly?

Now, 21 months later, I have the overwhelming Honour, Pleasure and Sheer JOY of announcing that BnV has reached a milestone I NEVER anticipated. 4000 followers! ??? Really?! 4000? I’m not sure my math-impaired mind can even grasp that number, but there is ONE THING I do KNOW….

Without YOU, without Each and Every One of YOU; without your Kind Support, Encouragement, and continued Interest in these musings, and (sometimes) confusings, that spill from my Heart and Spirit, NONE OF THIS could ever have happened. I remember being amazed at having gained the interest of 50 followers…4000 is beyond my comprehension, plain and simple.

But what isn’t beyond my comprehension is that, although I often feel I’ve said “Thank You Ever So” in ever way imaginable (and perhaps I have), I could never say it often enough to truly express my Gratitude, my Honest and Open Heartfelt Gratitude to All Of YOU!

You are Blessing to me every day.
You are a Joy through all the Marvelous things You Say.
You make me Laugh, Bring me Joy, Make me Cry,
but I will NEVER ever wonder Why,
I was lead to this place to Share Inspiration,
Though I Thank God for this Amazing Invention,
And I Hope and Pray with all of my Heart,
I live up to Expectation from the very Start,
So Though these are Wild and Whirling Words (Yes, Hamlet)
(You’d be astonished if I would forget!)
I will say it once more in a Radiant Glow,
Thank You Sweet Friends! Thank You Ever EVER SO!



  1. I am not surprised at all that you are liked and loved by 4000 people! 🙂 It is because you are unique and write so beautifully and share so much beauty and love and light and comfort here! 🙂 Who wouldn’t want to follow you, the whole world should follow you!!!! 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I know the feeling 🙂 And I was SO chuffed when I finally reached a hundred! Seriously though, I look sometimes and still can’t believe people read my stuff at all, let alone that many people. It is a real privilege.


  2. I’m am so thankful for WordPress, also, because without it, I may have never had the chance to read your incredible words. Congratulations, my dear friend (my cohort in Rhyme Crime, or something like that lol). You have a wonderful gift and we have been blessed by it ❤

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thats AWESOME 🙂 Thank You SO MUCH 🙂 Im preparing for #PitMad on Twitter on Wednesday…do you participate?

        SOOOOOOOOOOOOO Glad you enjoyed it Dorinda 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh no, THANK YOU! What a wonderful world to escape to!! How exciting about #PitMad!! I’ve never done it. My two books (#3 coming soon) are poetry. No category for that. Best of luck!! I will be watching and RTing you 🙂


      3. Thank You so much 🙂 I am actually working with an auther (Laura Lee Anderson here on wordpress) she offers critiques of query letters and such. Im prepping and hoping for the Best 😉

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    1. I am so Happy and Blessed that these crazy little musings bring smiles 🙂 Thank You Ever so much, Jet, for being more than just a number…but rather you are a Friend and I am Very Glad 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. That thought entirely blows me away (I honestly never thought of that!) Im so very glad to count you amoung my Friends and Thank You for always being right there 🙂


  3. Congratulations dear Morgan, I am one of them to be so happy to hear this 🙂 I want to say Thank you to you, days, our running life through your beautiful poems and posts you can’t imagine what a beautiful voyage,… Blessing and Happiness, love, nia

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a Beautiful thing to say 🙂 Thank You Ever so much (see there I go again!) Nia 🙂 I am Blessed Indeed and so happy to share our Inspirations together 🙂


  4. Morgan, 4000 followers is only a drop in the bucket to what you will have two years from now. You have a gorgeous blog and you put words together in a way that most of us cannot. Each poem or story is exquisite. Speechless? I hope you are never speechless (and I, for one, cannot ever imagine that happening) because that could only mean you are terribly sick or have lost your voice. I look forward to the beauty of your words every day. You are a blessing to me and your other 3,999 followers. Congratulations, my dear friend. Well deserved. Hugs to you. 🙂 ❤ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Morgan, my Friend, I’m glad to help in some small way. Your words and images are awesome and deserve sharing across the social media electronic waves of light and sound. Indeed, so worthy. It is my absolute pleasure.

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    1. Thank You Brenda, Im still overwhelmed! I do have sharing set to auto publish onto my Facebook page and Twitter as soon as I publish on the blog, then I go over to Twitter and Share the post with specific hashtags to get better traffic. Do you Twitter?


      1. I don’t do twitter, I feel already maxed out. I don’t know how you keep up with 4,000 followers. I have over 2500, and that feels overwhelming. I can’t possibly read all their posts every day. Even if I did no writing. And I’m in the middle of anther major edit right now. I want to get the novel summated within a few weeks, so I’m crazy wondering how I can do it all! My hat’s off to you!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank You, but I do admit, I cannot read as much as I should like to. Its very hard keeping up with it all and some days I just want ME time, BUT this is the way forward for we Indie’s 😉 Great success on the new novel 🙂 Is it a poetry book?


      3. 😉 Thank you so much, I never quite knew what that meant! But I was certain it didn’t mean Middling or Middle grade as in not Top Notch Grade LOL 🙂 Will you be posting any teasers at all?


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