The Hermit

Utterly Beautiful. Profoundly Simple. Perfectly Poignant.



I once came upon a hermit
Sitting beneath a shadeless tree
There ensued a quiet moment
Wherein he listened to my heart
And learned of its secret affairs
Or at least,
such was how it seemed

Then he spoke unto me and said

Do not worry about the hereafter
For he who finds heaven in this life
Will surely find it in the next

In my ignorance, my eyes wandered about
And the wise man exclaimed in laughter

If you are searching for the Garden
It’s best you turn your eyes inside out!

With one deep breath I dove within
Finding nothing, I came up gasping for air
The man, who was not so old,
As is assumed with the word ‘wise’,
said to me,

Tell me of a garden
Which requires no preparation
nor patience in waiting
For the season of growth to come?

Remove your rock-heart
Carved of

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