Where Love Walks – #InspirationalMeditations for #PrideMonth


There are so many in this world who are alone. So many who are sad, lost, hurting, and they may ask ‘Where is God?’ ‘Why is there so much suffering?’  ‘Why are so many in need?’ ‘ Why does a God who is supposed to be all loving allow so much misery?’  ‘Where is the ‘Light of the World’?’

He/She/Universal Love is not as far away as we imagine, aloft in the distant cosmos, disconnected and unfeeling. God, whatever or however you think of God, is not some metaphysical apparition. God is Love, love is God.  God is Acceptance, Acceptance is God.  God is Empowerment, Empowerment is God.  And yet, if God is all these things, why does He seem to not love?  Why are there so many situations that are devoid of love?  Why does it seem that darkness is closing in all around us?

I had an accident several years ago where I wound up in the emergency room. (A Segway accident while on holiday that resulted in several cracked ribs)  After several hours of pain and tears, I was being discharged and a woman was coming into the hospital at the same time. She was extremely angry but also seemed sad at the same time, though her sadness was harder to see than the anger. She cursed at the security guards and said unkind things to the nurse who was helping me. The nurse apologized to me for her behavior, but I wasn’t offended by it. Instead I empathized with her and felt a deal of compassion for her.  I wanted to say something, to share some measure of kindness with her. Some offering of love, but I didn’t….why I didn’t is an entirely different post….

I was very fortunate when the accident happened that sent me to the ER. I was with people who could help me and was surprised by how many strangers stopped to offer their aid, but the woman I met in the ER seemed to have no one. Little wonder she felt alone, and it’s not surprising she said she didn’t matter and that love doesn’t exist. I remained silent, perhaps because of my own pain, but I continue to think about her, even today.

And maybe that’s the point.  Maybe all the terrible things that happen in the world are not examples of God’s absence; maybe they’re an opportunity for God to exist in us, at that moment, giving us the opportunity to share Love, offer Acceptance and Understanding, and allowing us to Empower those around us.  They abide in each of us, waiting to be shared.  They reach out in the hands that tend to others selflessly. They pronounce themselves in kindness and compassion on all living things. They whisper of their existence through empathy, generosity, and patience.

Perhaps this is why there are so many in need—not because Love/God/Light doesn’t exist, but to give us the chance to prove that it does.

Wherever Love Goes
It Urges Mercy and Justice.

Whenever Acceptance Speaks
It Sings Kindly and Gently.

Whatever Empowerment Teaches
It Inspires Honesty, Truth, and Encouragement.

Whatever Empathy Gives
It Fills with Compassion and Generosity.

May these Gifts walk within us,
Speak through us,
Teach our Spirits to Sing Harmoniously,
And to Give Selflessly

So we may Never Walk Alone.


All By ~Morgan~

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  1. I just saw this…I’m so sorry about your accident, I hope you are doing better. You are right, people who say or do hurtful things usually do so because they are hurting. It’s not an excuse for bad behavior, but it does help to understand that.


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