A Thankful Heart – #thoughts for #Thanksgiving

A Thankful Heart is Open to Blessings
because it is closed to worry, doubt, and wailing.

A Thankful Heart is Filled with Love
because it empties itself of loathing, greed, and envy.

A Thankful Heart is Overflowing with Peace
because it does not Share itself with lies, distrust, and negativity.

A Thankful Heart Touches Others with its Blessings and Love
because it is Ever in the Presence of Love and Blessing.

A Thankful Heart Speaks in Kindness, Patience and Empowerment
because it does not Speak of hate, intolerance or to incapacitate.

A Thankful Heart Chooses its Path Each Day with Diligence and Joy
because it does not Concentrate on what it cannot do.

A Thankful Heart Walks in Hope, Love, Peace and Joy
because it Knows nothing else.

A Thankful Heart Shares its Purpose
because it is Incapable of Withholding All that Pours from its Abundant Profusion.

Embark upon Each New Day with a Thankful Heart
and You will Find Endless Blessings for which to be Thankful.

You are a Blessing for which I am very thankful. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. ❣

Beautiful Image found at: plattform.com


  1. I hope that YOU your Morganness have a great Thanksgiving. I am thankful for you. YOU have been a blessing to me. (And there are probably others who are thankful for you and that you have been a blessing to too.)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I enjoyed this I’m dealing with alot, since my granny passed. Each holiday is very hard, but this piece of art you put together gives me hope. Please feel free to check out my new poetry blog. Follow, and comment and I’ll do the same for you. Be blessed

    Liked by 1 person

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