WordPress Snafu #5798764167976456sa3467987sdf GRRRRRRRR


Has anyone else noticed that WordPress is not allowing comments today?  All the posts I am seeing in my Reader have comments closed….and so do mine, although I stopped doing that over a week ago.

So for all of you that I have visited and LIKED only today, this is why.

Sigh………I know…. you cant reply……




    1. That dog is toooooo adorable, I know! 🙂 Thanks DG, we all seem to have figured it out now, but sure is frustrating when WP changes things and doesn’t say anything. They must sit back and have a good snigger when they do this LOL 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi Didi,

    First I thought something is wrong with my blog but another blogger told me too that he faces problems with the reader. So if you visit the direct blog of a blogger then there are no problems and you can write your comments.

    Have a nice weekend

    Liked by 1 person

  2. yes – they keep changing things – you now have to click the “visit” icon under the post in the reader – and it brings you to the original post site where I am leaving this comment


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