Those Who Pause – #Poetry of #Inspiration



The mystery Sings Sweetly

To those who Pause

To those who Listen




The Rhythm of Harmony

Beats Time with Rhyme

To those who Linger

To those who Hear



The Music of Balance

Plays Melodic Symphonie

To those who Close their eyes

To those who Seek






Beautiful Original Photography by Anthony Harrison, public domain stock photos and Pinterest.  Credit Gratefully Acknowledged to the Original Photographers.  Thank You~


    1. Thank You my Friend 🙂 Im so sorry I haven’t been round lately. Getting back from holiday and just cant seem to get back into visiting mode. I do hope all has been well with you? 🙂


      1. Please don’t apologize for that! I am the same some time, and that is perfectly fine! There was a time when I felt I couldn’t post without being able to pay return visits, but that made me sad, so I told myself that you wouldn’t want people to comment on your posts just to get you to visit their blogs or as a returned favor. So I stopped thinking like that. Giving should be to give, not to get something back, and when I give to you Morgan, there is no ulterior motive, I give to give only. 😊😊😊😊. And I would read and comment on your poems even if I didn’t have a blog myself 😊😊💖

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Well done Morgan! This says so much! If only everyone was mindful of this more often I think we would have a lot less hate and anger in this world! Everyone should try to be as you are. I was inspired by this my friend. Lovely work xo


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