1. No problem! I really like this kind of thing.

        If you ever have some spare time, feel free to check out the writing blog I just started. Would be very grateful for any feedback.


      2. I took a peek. it certainly has potential. I would make only one small suggestion, which I found useful when starting out. Preface your blog with a post that is the first thing any visitor will see. tell them a little bit about you, about your writing/interests, and what you will be doing/offering on your blog. This way people understand what they are doing there 😉

        Best of Luck 🙂


      1. that happens too, though it usually frustrates me. Weekends are really the only time I get to focus on writing without work ‘getting in the way’, so when other things do, 😡 lol

        Liked by 1 person

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