#CharacterInteractions – Preface to a Debut

Character Interactions


Character spotlights are a marvelous innovation, at least in my book(nvolume).  What better way, after all, to discover the nuances and little-known secrets our favourite characters conceal?  Perhaps it’s because I tend to connect deeply with characters that I find learning more about them diverting, but when I first heard about shining the limelight on a book character, or better yet to interview them, I was enchanted.

I recently read (and reviewed) The Eternals by your friend and mine, Richard M. Ankers, and I can honestly tell you I was captivated by his lead character, Jean.  I cannot precisely define why, as he is far from beguiling or charming (downright irascible you might say), but when I finished the book and dove into a second reading, I could not escape musing over of how he might interact with or react to my own lead character, Gairynzvl, (another distinctly brooding fellow.)  Then I struck upon an idea.  Why not introduce them and see what happens? I was cautioned that ‘Consequences might occur’, but the potential was too great to ignore.

Thus, I should like to introduce a new segment to the Booknvolume category Your Beautiful Life (in which I showcase other writers, their books, their posts, their spotlights, etc.)  Through the magic of Imagination, Character Interactions shall transpose time and place in order to unite characters in a newly unique situation, endeavoring to offer previously unreleased material involving your favourite characters interacting with each other; interviewing each other (or arguing with each other, depending) over any given subject matter; or offering insights into their past, present or future.

By offering these glimpses into the lives of our characters, I hope to not only intrigue readers with tidbits of information they may not be able to glean from the character’s story, but provide an opportunity for (Indie) authors to reach a broader audience with fresh, unique material.

If you find yourself as titillated as I am by the potential in these Character Interactions, please do not hesitate to send me a message either here on my blog or via Facebook to inquire further or propose an idea.

Coming Tomorrow for Friday Fantasy:  The Debut Character Interaction:  Dark Fey’s Gairynzvl and The Eternal’s Jean debate the importance of a purpose filled life.






Beautiful Original Artwork:  the_course_of_nature_by_yv-d5e1eza KORICE


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