

When we See the oppressed, the fearful,
The neglected; silent, but ever tearful,

Nepal 2

The outcast, the wounded and the lonely,
The grieving, the lost, and those who are hungry;

Nepal 1

Do we See Angels Waiting by their side,
Hovering O’er them while we decide?


Will we Linger and Tend their Need,
Our Love planting a Mighty Seed,

Nepal 3

Or will we say “What a Tragedy”,
Yet walk away Blinded by our Apathy?


In Loving Remembrance and Heartfelt Prayerful Consolation of those lost, wounded, and alone in Nepal.

Help keep children safe in #Nepal. @UNICEF_uk are doing all they can. Please text NEPAL from a UK phone to 70123 to donate £5. (Thank You Tom Hiddleston for this Tweet, which I am Sharing in Love and Hope!)

Or Visit to find out how else you might help. ~Share the Blessings~ ~Be The Miracle~

Beautiful Image found at: various news sites and


    1. 🙂 I was so moved by a poem NEHA posted yesterday that I had to follow with this 😉 You are far more wonderful than anything I could ever write, Michelle 😉 Trust me 🙂 You Rock!

      Liked by 1 person

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