Precious Gift

Precious Gift

What a Precious Gift it is
To Touch the Hand of God,
In Loving a child who has no Friend,
In Giving without Seeking gain in the end,
In Sharing a Smile when there’s only a frown,
In Spending a moment when someone is down,
In Listening Long when No one will hear,
In Sheltering Gently when there is fear,
In Giving Time when there is none,
In Helping More when the work is done,
When Hope is Seeking for a Hand to Hold,
Sharing Yourself Turns Need into Gold.


Beautiful Photograph found at:


  1. Thanks Morgan, for this special one. It came at the perfect moment…a day when I seem to possess two wrong feet; when I am humbled by the reality that after all, I am just a creature in need of “a Hand to Hold.” Warmest regards!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Blessings to you my Friend. Know that You do far more good, and reach far more Souls that you may ever Realize 🙂 Stand Tall in Faith and let not the Serpant whisper too loudly.

      Peace !


    1. 🙂 Thank You so much Sweet Friend 🙂 I sometimes think I should print this one out and tape it to my desk somewhere at work to remember when Im frazzled 😉


  2. Morgan, this is a beautiful and very uplifting poem.
    ‘In Sharing a Smile when there’s only a frown,
    In Spending a moment when someone is down,’ These are the greatest gifts anyone can give another.
    Hugs. 🙂 ❤ 🙂


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