

The vale for Summerfest was on the boundary of the village, set against the backdrop of Veryn Falls, a waterfall that plummeted steeply from the heights of the Ryvyn Mountains. Splashing from hundreds of feet above, Veryn Falls’ crystalline waters were cushioned by a multitude of moss covered bastions and ivy-laden arches, and the waters fell, ‘plashing and laughing, into an emeraldine pool that stretched out its bountiful hand at the base of the falls and flowed onward through the village, supplying water and life to all.

Summerfest III

The broad clearing around its bejeweled precincts sparkled with hundreds of tiny lanterns strung through the surrounding forest canopy and was brightened by cheerful fires and glowing torches scattered throughout. Tables of food and fountains of drink were placed advantageously, musicians played the flute and the drum, the lyre and the lute, dancing lacewings flitted and darted, and the entire scene was alive with palpable joy and anticipation.

As the seasons shifted , the fey of the light gathered together for a celebration of color and brightness. They dressed in glittering, bejeweled costumes; decorated their homes with sparkling lanterns, filled their porches and gardens with fresh fruit, crisp garden vegetables, sweet baked treats and sugary indulgences for any passerby to enjoy, and played a multitude of musical instruments in a discordant symphony of jubilant sound.

Summerfest 1

Parading along the avenues from home to home in dancing, fluttering, gleeful revelry, fey of all ages delighted in the company of their friends and family while eating and drinking the sweet temptations of the season, and at the end of the evening’s festivities, all fey, young and old, joined together to venerate the arrival of the Season of Light.

Summer Triangle Thru Trees

They gathered in the Clearing of the Stars, where the forest canopy contracted and one could gaze up, out of the darkling hedge of ancient trees, into the glittering night sky, enchanted by the glowing moon and the sparkling stars overhead. Drawing together, they began the Incantation of the Changing Seasons led by their village Celebrant, their voices subdued and solemn after a full day of laughing and singing. As they spoke the lyrical invocation, they paced through an intricate dance, which marked the ending of the darkness and cold of winter and the beginning of the growing and gathering seasons, with austerity. Bowing, pausing, stepping, clapping, pausing, clasping hands, turning, releasing, passing, turning, pausing, spiraling, clapping and repeating until the midnight horns rang through the clear night air.

Summerfest II

Life and Light were in their fullest glory on this fair night, dazzling the eye from the heavens overhead, spilling verdant green from the forest canopy, blossoming in sweet beauty and supplying bounty for every life. It was the longest day of the year, the pinnacle of joyful abundance and Light loving fey everywhere rejoiced for the profusion.

In Honour of Summerfest, the Summer Solstice and the Sweet Joy of Harmony, Family and Friendship. A collection of excerpts from Dark Fey The Reviled.

Beautiful photographs found on:,,, and


      1. We are out, even more of a shambles than usual…still no pressure on now and I can watch the World Cup without any stress.


      2. Oh dear 😦 Well, enjoy the remainder anyway. Rather like when I have to watch the superbowl when I don’t care for either team…


  1. more than beautiful. My new computer glasses will arrive next week, hopefully i will be able to do more on line reading… thanks for this Morgan. (love the images..)


    1. Thanks so much. I took these snippets from several places in my Dark Fey book and wove them into this post. Its one of my favourite scenes in the book 😉


  2. So, I finally finished the book I was reading and I’m on Chapter two of Dark Fey. It is definitely a page turner. I’m already completely enveloped and I wish you would put it on goodreads so I can add it to my books and review it! Anyway, I have to go read this awesome book. 😉


    1. Thank You EVER so much Lisa 😉 Kindle Require 90 days of exclusivity, but after that, I do believe I shall put it on GoodReads 🙂 (I dont know much about that site, but if you think its worth it??) I will have to go check it out and find out what its all …well, about 😉

      anyway..SO GLAD you are enjoying Dark Fey. Boy do I have to get Writing book two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      1. Well. I guess that’s what happens when you turn out to be a successful writer. Everyone wants more 😉

        Goodreads isn’t a place where you sell your book. It’s a place where people list all the books they have read. Fans can rate your book, review it, put up quotes and you have friends. You can also be in groups. It’s social media for book worms. Lol.

        It’s pretty popular. I would love it if you were on there. Just check it out and see what you think.


      2. Oh awesome. I’m 85% through it. I’m captivated to say the very least. I’m reading now. I want to finish it. 🙂


      3. Your welcome. I really enjoyed your book. More than I have enjoyed a book in a very long time. I’m sure you will do well. I can’t wait to read book two. You are really am amazing writer. 🙂


      4. Wow 🙂 thank You so much!!! Im actually in the process of writing a synopsis for it so I can send out some query letters for an agent. I really think its my best option for getting it marketed and OUT THERE better 😉

        Thank you for all your support…I do so appreciate it!!


      5. do please let me know if you are able to access it. I was able to find it, and I even wrote a little “review” for it, but Im not entirely sure of what Im doing LOL


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